Tuku Koha

The main driver of our kaupapa is to create taonga that is culturally empowering through the spread of te reo and sharing mātauranga.

Our whānau have worked in the Education sector and Social Services for many years. It is important for us to acknowledge the mahi of those who are working on the ground throughout the hāpori and to use our platform and the success of our pākihi to support where we can.  

That’s our understanding of Tino Rangatiratanga; thriving, healthy-living, and lifting up our whānau and communities as we drive forward together.

Manaaki whānau, manaaki wairua, manaaki whenua.

We often get daily and weekly requests for donations of products or pūtea, while we would love to fulfil every request we have to be mindful and maintain practices that are sustainable for the pakihi.

Proceeds from the taonga that you purchase have helped to tautoko these kaupapa;

Aroha atu, aroha mai,

A & K